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  • It is estimated that poor essential skills costs UK industry more than 
£4.8 billion a year and the Welsh economy £588 million a year, with an estimated 47% of all working adults having an essential skills need.
  • Do you think before you speak? Improve your communication skills with a tailored package of fully funded on the job training
  • Struggle with IT? Improve your IT Skills with a tailored package of fully funded on the job training
  • Nightmare with numbers? Improve your numeracy skills with a tailored package of fully funded on the job training
11 22 33 44

We provide specialist government funded training to help improve the essential skills of literacy, numeracy, language and IT to people throughout Wales.

What we do

To begin with an Essential Skills in the Workplace Development Manager will meet with you and your employer to carry out an initial skills assessment.

Once we identify your needs you will be allocated your own dedicated Essential Skills Coach who will visit you in your workplace once a month to develop your skills on the job, ensuring the training is based on the precise skills you need to develop in your job role.

Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC)

The Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) section of the site is a resource for those both internal and external to t2. It aims to give details about what ESDGC and Sustainability mean and help you think about your attitude to the impact you have on the world.

What is ESDGC?

Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) is about the things that we do every day. It is about the big issues in the world - such as climate change, trade, resource and environmental depletion, human rights, conflict and democracy - and about how they relate to each other and to us.

It is about how we treat the earth and how we treat each other, no matter how far apart we live. It is about how we prepare for the future. Every one of us has a part to play.

Or, to put it more formally Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship is about:

The links between society, economy and environment and between our own lives and those of people throughout the world

The needs and rights of both present and future generations

The relationship between power, resources and human rights

The local and global implications of everything we do and the actions that individuals and organisations can take in response to local and global issues.

The Seven Themes of ESDGC

Seven key concepts have been used as a guide to development of values, attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding required for sustainable living.

  • Wealth and poverty
  • Identity and culture
  • Choices and decisions
  • Health
  • Natural environment
  • Climate change
  • Consumption and waste

What is meant by Sustainability?

There is no universally agreed definition on what sustainability means and there are many different views on what it is and how it can be achieved.

The idea of sustainability stems from the original concept of sustainable development, which became common language at the World´s first Earth Summit in Rio in 1992.

The original definition of sustainable development is usually considered to be:

“Development” that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’

We hope that having looked through this part of our website, you will feel that you have more of an understanding of what ESDGC and Sustainability is all about.

If you have any queries regarding this part of our website please let us know by emailing:

General guidance on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC)

t2 Environmental Policy

t2 ESDGC Policy


Information for Learners and Employers

Would you like to find out more about our approach to Equality and Diversity, ESDGC (Education for Sustainable Development
and Global Citizenship), Welsh Language or about becoming more involved in how we can meet your needs.
To Access our Learner Portal Click Here and to Access our Employer Portal Click Here.